Proudly located in Rochester, NY
Building Technology Excellence, Together

Accelerating your tech Journey

Excellent tutor that is good with programming

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Course Help

Struggling in a Computer Science or similar class? Get help from a tutor with experience helping students from middle school to graduate level.

College Admissions Coaching

Looking to major in Computer Science, Information Technology, or a similar field? Get help preparing a portfolio for your dream school!

AP Exam Prep

Preparing for AP Computer Science A or AP Computer Science Fundamentals? Ace the class AND the exam!

USACO Training

Preparing for the USA Computing Olympiad? Get coached through the Bronze and Silver levels.
Self-Paced studies

Ready to dive into the world of tech, but not sure where to begin? Let me guide you through one of the many courses I have developed for learners of all ages!

IT Certification Prep

Whether you are looking to start your career, or transition into the IT field, get help with the credentials you need to get your foot in the door with employers.

About Me

Learn more about Channing

I am an experienced Software Engineer, Tutor, and Systems Administrator. I have over 12 years of proven industry experience in a wide variety of positions, and hold a degree from the Rochester Institute of Technology.

I have had a passion for teaching all of my life; I have aided fellow learners as a tutor and TA from middle school onwards. I have over 750 hours of tutoring accumulated across a variety of platforms, as well as in person, and have worked with students ranging from middle school to the graduate level. That said, my bread and butter is helping high school and early collegiate students learn the fundamentals of computer programming and information technology. I like to help guide my students not just towards success in their courses (though that's important too!), but also to success in finding their path in life to their choice of college and career.

I feel that it is important to take a holistic approach to both curriculum design and content delivery to ensure that information relevant to both academia and industry is delivered in as many mediums as possible to ensure comprehension.

I currently work as a Software Engineer II at the University of Rochester's River Campus Libraries, where I build and maintain the systems and websites used by the university community to access and showcase our rare books and special collections content.

My approach

How content is presented is just as important as the knowledge itself. I feel it's very important for everyone to learn at their own pace, and to take an individually tailored approach to each student.


I work with students and parents to establish concrete, measurable learning goals.


Curriculum materials are prepared and tweaked to suit every student's needs.


Material is presented in an individual or small group setting. Care is taken to ensure full comprehension of the subject matter.


To cement knowledge and assess areas of weakness, each lesson is paired with a practical assignment.